Corvallis Felony DUI Lawyers
Defending Against Felony DUI Charges in Oregon
A felony DUI is a serious criminal offense that can carry serious consequences. If convicted, you may be sentenced to probation or prison, lose your driving privileges, and face other consequences. You need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side to protect your rights and fight for your best interests.
If you are facing felony DUI charges, do not hesitate to let Nash, Ortiz & Demarest, P.C. defend you inside and outside the courtroom. We understand how devastating these charges can be, which is why we are ready to help you either get your charges/penalties reduced or your entire case dismissed.
Call (541) 243-0678 or complete our online contact form to discuss your case with our dedicated team.
What Is a Felony DUI in Oregon?
In Oregon, a DUI offense can be charged as a felony if the driver has at least two prior convictions for DUI, reckless driving, or any other traffic offense within the last 10 years. A third or subsequent DUI is a Class C felony, which can result in jail time of up to 5 years and fines of up to $125,000.
If a DUI arrest involves an accident that led to a serious injury to another person or death, this offense is considered a Class B felony, punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years and a maximum fine of $250,000.
If a DUI involves a death and a driver has a prior criminally negligent homicide or driving-related manslaughter conviction, this offense is a Class A felony, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years and a fine of up to $375,000.
Strategies to Fight Your Felony DUI
A skilled DUI defense attorney can challenge a felony DUI charge on a number of grounds. These can include challenging the legality of a search and seizure, challenging the accuracy of field sobriety tests, and challenging the accuracy of chemical test results.
If you need help with a felony DUI charge in Corvallis, OR, contact our firm for an initial evaluation.
What Sets Us Apart
Jennifer I. Nash & Nicolas Ortiz, P.C.
No strangers to the courtroom, our hard-working legal team stops at nothing to win a client's case.
Hundreds of clients and families have been saved with help from our firm.
Respect and one-on-one attention are a given when you turn to Attorney Nash & Attorney Ortiz.
Jennifer I. Nash & Nicolas Ortiz have over 40 combined years of experience.